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24/05/2005 à 23:26 par Konstantino

1 réponse

Sunday 22-05-2005

Hi everybody.
I was sleeping in my hotel room in Bastille on Sunday morning when I woke up to a fantastic sound. Curious to see where it was coming from I opened the balkony doors and this so uplifting melody hit my ears. I couldnt believe it. I felt as if the music was playing just for me. The best wake up call for many years. After I came down to see you all from closer I was even more amazed to see your high spirits and you smiling faces. Keep up the good work boys and girls. The world needs more musicians like you.


p.s. Sorry for the English but I couldnt possibly express all I wanted to say in French as I am only just starting to learn
  • le 25/05/2005 à 01:53 par pakito

    Rep: Sunday 22-05-2005

    j'ais un peu pret comprendre donc................"MERCI CONSTANTINOS"
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